Wednesday, November 07, 2007

UFT Meeting 11-06-07 Minutes

UFT Meeting

Agenda – November 6, 2007

I SBO Votes – Brooklyn-Queens Day – Discussion

1. Do you want to make Thursday a teaching day and do Professional Development on Friday?
2. Teachers have asked me to have an SBO vote to make mandated Monday meetings once a month for 80 minutes.
1. What is the protocol for teachers, administrators and our Union when under investigation?
2. Creating a unified chapter at the Queens High School of Teaching.
3. Scheduling, electives, programming etc.
4. Security Issues
5. Merit Pay and 55/25 retirement
6. Coverage's and Dear coverage in addition to teaching 3 classes in a row all on the same day.

Minutes – 70 UFT members present

SBO Vote – Brooklyn Queens Day – from Thursday to Friday
 The question of bussing was raised. In addition, because of the Senior Prom, seniors will take off anyway.
 Teacher wanted to revisit this matter and move on to more pressing issues
Vote on changing Monday meetings to one meeting for 80 minutes.
 Since this is an SBO – School Based Option, the entire school would need to vote on this even though it would primarily effect Freire.
UFT Members under investigation
 Teachers have been under investigation for verbal abuse and need to know their rights.
 The Chancellor’s Regulation A-421 specifically addresses the guidelines for principals, UFT members and the UFT. (All of the Regulations can be found at
 It is important to know that UFT members should not go into a meeting like this without representation.
 The Principal is in a difficult position of advocating for students and teachers. Mr. Lieber has pointed out that weight should be given to the professional, since most students do not have the same ability to interpret their experiences as adults do.
 The record of the UFT member and the student should also be given considerable weight.
 Also the investigation should be confidential. If it is not kept confidential, the integrity of the investigation is compromised.
 After the statements are collected, the UFT member has a right to view them and be given time to read them.
Creating a Unified Chapter at the QHST -- Laurie Kucic gave this presentation
 Laurie Kucic is now the LEOC representative
 All members should attend UFT meetings
 We pay approximately $1000 in dues and should make use of the UFT
 Lieber cannot address teacher to teacher conflicts, which is the job of the LEOC.
 Members should not go to the administrators and complain about a colleague. We should find better ways to handle conflicts. Go to the person and speak directly and if that does not resolve the problem, go to the LEOC representative.
 Laurie Kucic is not paid or compensated for this position
 Lieber pointed out that when teachers complain to the administration about other colleagues, that weakens the chapter and contributes to the idea of “Divide and Conquer.”
Scheduling, Electives & Programming
 Some Montessori teachers are pushing into other teachers’ classes and this is creating a sense of inequity in the building for the teachers who have a full schedule.
 Lieber pointed out that he cannot go to the administration and make sure that teachers work harder.
 Lieber received the assignments from the administration of the teachers who were not teaching a full schedule.
 Lori Mayo suggested that teachers who owe hours could assist in the Writing Center
 Several teachers asked about a class of American Regents History that is being taught by a teacher who does not have a license in that area, and that there are teachers who are available to push in with that license are scheduled elsewhere.
 It was also pointed out that the split schedule does not provide students with their academic needs. For example, it took 2 months for ESL students to be serviced. There is not enough access to the library** and 1 period electives, which is not educationally sound. ** The following day, Jo-Anne Kyriannis pointed out that the library can be open for Bands 1 and 11 on a needs basis. She requires approximately 1 week notice, and would be there to accommodate the students’ needs.
 A UFT member explained that electives are being used to fill holes in programs
 The teaching profession is being devalued when any teacher can teach any subject regardless of license. We are sending a negative message.
 There was a question regarding the PSAT exams and that teachers were given 3 hour proctoring assignments, which was too long.
 Another problem is that “Rating Days” were eliminated and teachers were asked to attend professional development.
 Lieber pointed out that if UFT members feel that their rights are being violated, they should speak with him to see if that is true and a grievance will be filed.
 Many inexperienced teachers are not aware when they are asked to do tasks that are not contractual. They may also be intimidated to file a grievance because they are not tenured. Experienced teachers should advise colleagues what is contractual or not.
 Lieber explained that teachers can file a grievance immediately after the infraction, but it must be filed by another teacher.
 Lieber will ask to see proctoring schedules before the exam and make the schedule public.
 Teachers also complained about teaching 3 consecutive hours and that it is illegal
 Lieber explained that we have had a tacit agreement about teaching 3 in a row because we have days that have many free periods.
 Normally, it is contractual to teach 3 periods in a row, but the periods in a traditional school are 45 minutes long.
 During the consultative meeting, we will discuss changing the schedule and a group of UFT members will form a panel to assist in creating a more accommodating schedule.
55/25 Retirement and Merit Pay is covered in an article. There is additional information on the website:

Security Issues
 A UFT member stated that there are students who are arrested and then allowed to come into the building.
 Students should not be permitted to leave the building and then come back.
 Parents are also allowed into the classrooms
 Lieber explained that every school has a safety code, which must be followed. If there is a breach of the safety code, Lieber will file a safety grievance. The UFT takes violations of the safety code very seriously.
 A UFT member stated that students from other schools have been entering the building. These students should be considered intruders.


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